Making Better Thought-Movies One Truth At A Time
![]() One of the greatest fears of life is the ending of a cherished relationship. |
Being alone is horrible, lonely, and scary! "Are you feeling abandoned?" We cannot solve our problems using the same old information and thought process that created the problem in the first place...all that does is repeat failure. Our problems are caused by flawed behavioral choices, sometimes by others. We are victims resulting in untold miseries, conflicts, and illnesses. Knowing how to solve problems is impossible without GOD-information. |
![]() "Nobody wants me anymore." |
Broken relationships happen through divorce, abuse, death, or giving up. Such a personal loss creates a vacuum where once closely knit people can no longer reach out and communicate with each other. The loss of a pet, or a human being can be just as devastating... |
1. to leave completely and finally; forsake utterly; desert: one's farm; a child; a sinking ship.
2. to give up; discontinue; withdraw from: a research project; hopes for a stage career.
3. to give up the control of: a city to an enemy army.
4. to yield (oneself) without restraint or moderation; give (oneself) over to natural impulses, usually without self-control: to grief.
5. Law. to cast away, leave, or desert, as property or a child.
The consequences of a lost or broken relationship is the damage it does to one's feelings of self-esteem or self-worth, and guilt of being helpless to prevent it from happening.
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Traders came by and found Joseph in a pit - put there by jealous family members. He was sold for 20 pieces of silver but ended up being the person that GOD used to save his brothers and family from starving to death. Joseph forgave his brothers. Family sometimes refuse to see GOD's plan unfolding and do dumb stuff when they don't understand why you are so very different... |
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One of the most painful results and consequences of a failed marriage relationship is the tearing apart of the children. Sadly, actions are taken to end a marriage without adequately knowing the suffering that lies ahead for the children. There is no easy or instant answers to this. Marriages can go horribly wrong, and they do fail for many reasons. It is beyond belief to allow the children to pay the price for the family breakup and the decisions made to end the marriage relationship. The sense of overwhelming helplessness and sorrow touch all involved... |
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Jesus experienced being cut off from His Father. The close relationship with GOD the Father shut down as Jesus prepared to become the sin offering on the Cross. The forsaken relationship was restored only after Jesus died and rose again as the perfect, permanent sin offering which is now available for sin forgiveness - His blood is enough to pay for all sins we have committed. |
Matthew 27.46 "My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?"
It had to be done this way. If GOD is just - then sin has to be exposed and punished. GOD can not allow sin to remain without consequences. Jesus without sin was the only one who could pay for sin. Jesus - the innocent lamb who took all our sin and died in our place.
1 Peter 5.10 "And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast."
Suffering and trials are a part of life's experiences. It is normal to feel alone and totally out of your "comfort zone" - but the Holy Spirit of GOD promises He will restore, support and strengthen us.
2 Corinthians 4.9 "We are persecuted, but God does not leave us. We are hurt sometimes, but we are not destroyed."
In fact, GOD says that your parents may abandon you, but He will not. Psalm 27.10 "Even if my mother and father leave me, the Lord will take me in." Sadly, events and failures happen with terrible, unforeseen consequences. And often, the children become the ones who suffer the most.
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At the times when we feel the most alone, the Holy Spirit of GOD will come and support us and let us know that He has not forsaken us. GOD never will forsake us. No matter how people have let you down and disappointed you - come into GOD's presence and let Him hold you tightly... We all face difficult times. Let us together trust the LORD to rescue us and make us whole again. |
Making Better Thought-Movies One Truth At A Time
Bible Study Lessons
Parables by Jesus