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Making Better Thought-Movies One Truth At A Time


God's Wisdom Will Deliver
Discretion To Us

What is being discreet?

It is the quality of behaving or speaking in such a way as to avoid causing offense or revealing private information.

Actions and words are carefully processed and thought through.

Indiscretion is acting foolishly, by impulse.

Being discreet is enjoyed by people who are mature. It implies the freedom to make quality choices with you own judgment and not be controlled by the emotions of others

Discretion is one of 44 benefits that are available for everyone who seeks GOD's Wisdom (information provided by GOD's Word)...

We are in an "information war" every day. Information to live by and base our behavior and thought-life on is a personal choice between two powerful sources:

  1. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil which is occupied by Satan. This information source is always hostile to the plans and purposes of GOD's leadership and GOD's Kingdom in our lives.
  2. The tree of life which provides GOD-information for the transformation of our thought-life, imagination and spiritual heart. The source of this information system is GOD, His Word, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit of GOD.

We choose which information system we shall feed from and graft into our thinking and actions. Feeding from the correct source has the potential of keeping sin out of our life. "Thy word have I hid in my (spiritual) heart, that I may not sin against Thee" Proverbs 23.7

You Will Be Discreet

Proverbs 1.4

"To give subtlety to the young man knowledge and discretion."

what well does our information come from?

Which well of information are we drawing water from?


Are we impulsive?

Impulsive is to be motivated by emotion rather than thought;

Impulsive describes spontaneous actions based on desires, whims, or inclinations


Impulsive emotions can be extreme in young people...yielding to the temptation of doing things on the "spur of the moment" without thinking of possible consequences. This can lead our emotions to do "dumb" and "stupid" stuff that we could regret later. Maturity kicks in when a person thinks "carefully" and "ponders" what could happen before a decision is made...

To return to the 44 benefits of Wisdom - click here


Making Better Thought-Movies One Truth At A Time
